The AES-256 (CBC) encryption we apply here works as follows:
In case of encryption, the Initialisation Vector is pasted to the text before it is encrypted. Decryption eliminates the initialisation vector from the beginning of the decrypted text.
Note: spaces and the like at the beginning and end of the entry are not removed and are therefore important for successful decryption!
In cryptography, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a computer encryption technology. It is the successor to the "Data Encryption Standard" (DES). AES is a subset of the Rijndael algorithm where the block size is 128-bit, and the key 128, 192 or 256 bits. Rijndael itself can all block sizes and keys that are a 32-bit multiplication with a minimum of 128-bit and a maximum of 256-bit.
Source: Wikipedia
<?php define('CRYPT_CIPHER', MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256); // encryption algorithm define('CRYPT_MODE', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC); // encryption algorithm mode define('CRYPT_KEY', 'f6631c0e3de8bff772c9dcfed7353baa'); // encryption key define('CRYPT_IV', 'cbb63ead0473bb60e611841fb46b945c'); // initialisation vector $text = 'This is a text'; // plain text to encrypt // determine initialization vector size and initialization vector $ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size(CRYPT_CIPHER, CRYPT_MODE); $iv = substr(CRYPT_IV, 0, $ivSize); // determine key size and key $keySize = mcrypt_get_key_size(CRYPT_CIPHER, CRYPT_MODE); $key = substr(CRYPT_KEY, 0, $keySize); // encrypt text $result = mcrypt_encrypt(CRYPT_CIPHER, $key, $text, CRYPT_MODE, $iv); // result contains binary string, two major it anywhere convert // it to optimized ascii using base64 encoding $result = base64_encode($result); // $result now contains string: // 'BggvzMUWJ5Hp4g3KiGVnWjsjiJ+r97MXqE8ujbchHqI='
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