Do you need a Python programmer?
Then you've arrived at the right place!
Lots of experience
In the period from 2013 to 2016 I worked nearly full-time with Python.
Various libraries/packages (amongst others) that I have used while programming Python::
- django
- djangorestframework
- nose
- paramiko
- pexpect
- pyvmomi
- simplejson
- smtplib
- sqlalchemy
- timeit
- urllib3
- wsgi
A list of (partial) projects that I have worked on as a Python programmer:
- Authentication and Authorization API using the latest encryption standards
- Queue library for performing tasks including Python modules, external scripts and repetitive tasks
- Various tools and modules for managing VMware environments
- Controlling advanced network devices like switches and routers (Cisco / Force10 / Arista)
- Management of Network Attached Storage (NAS) Devices and Datastores (Volumes) (NetApp / Nexenta / Oracle / Solaris / ZFS)
- Add new functionality to an API written with the Django REST Framework with an associated ExtJS user interface
Call now +31207775488 and soon your Python project will be finished!